Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Issue 2 defeated.

Issue 2 fails. Collective bargaining for government workers in Ohio remains free of would-be limits imposed by Issue 5.

As a compulsive devil's advocate, I figured I'd spend a little time today following union money. Basically, I wanted to find out how much union administrators get paid. The quick answer is POTENTIALLY A SHITLOAD. If you make it to the top of a big union bureaucracy, you can command an impressive salary.

At least one local union with a stake in issue 2 is called Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA). They work collaboratively with American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). AFSCME is a huge international union that at one time was affiliated with a labor group that included the Teamsters. The highest paid union administrator at AFSCME is William Lucy who in 2010 reported an income of $824,235 (coincidentally, that's pretty close to what Gordon Gee rakes in).

Feel free to figure out how much they're paying people at OCSEA on your own. :) This search tool sucks awfully and I just ran out of patience:

Fun, semi-related fact:

You know you're consuming conservative media whenever a union admin is referred to as a union boss. My guess is that this little bit of pejorative harkens back to the original Hoffa days.