Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Occupy the Oval

I went to the later portion of the "Occupy the Oval" protest that went on at Ohio State University yesterday. The featured speaker/musician at the time was a charismatic Andy Gallagher, who led the group in a Bob Dylan-esque infotainment session.

Key points were tuition costs, human apathy, and consumerism run afoul. Coincidentally, I happen to have seen Andy's full outfit Trains Across the Sea and highly recommend them (classic rock arrangement w/ fun songs and sweet keyboard).

My primary interest in attending Occupy the Oval was to check out all the various signage and pamphlet booths.

The biggest sign was a list containing the salaries and names of everyone working for OSU who makes over 300k (there are ~ 50 of them; all doctors and a handful of administrator types).

The most interesting character I ran into was an older fellow who wore his signage on his person. We'll call him the disgruntled inventor. Um, I dunno. He wants a ban on political TV ads. The rest was sort of hazy.

Lastly, the pamphlet booth with the highest quantity of face to face intellectual discourse going on: hands down, the International Socialist Organization - each participant taller and appearing more quizzical than the last. We had a little laugh because I was trying to collect two pamphlets that were actually the same pamphlet.

WARNING - Calling BS On Zeitgeist Starts Here

ALSO PRESENT at the occupation were a number of Zeitgeist signs along with unfortunate souls willing to be seen holding them up. I've watched Zeitgeist Addendum - it's the Zeitgeist movie that focuses on economic issues and monetary policy. Total snowjob. Folks, just because something has cool techno music playing in the background doesn't mean it's right.

Zeitgeist Addendum basically argues that fractional reserve bank lending (the way lending is done 'round these parts) is a gigantic scam that conjures money from thin air and ultimately leads to the destruction of the universe. The argument sounds reasonable because the movie conveniently omits the word liquidity.

The quickest antidote (effective within the first 20 minutes of the movie) is to learn about liquidity along with fractional reserve lending. Let's do so now. I don't intend for OSU Econ Guy to be a technical blog, but this is just one of those things that people have to learn or else they're vulnerable to conspiracy jackoffs like Peter Joseph.

Liquidity, for our purpose, means "ease of exchange". Cash is considered the most liquid of assets because it's the easiest thing to exchange for other things. If you want a new bicycle, you can go to a bike store and hand over some cash. Presto, it's a done deal. Something less liquid than cash, for example, would be shares of Microsoft stock. To exchange shares of Microsoft for a bike, you would have to sell the shares, convert them into cash, and afterwards go to the bike store with your cash. It's a bit of a pain, but not too bad.

Something with very little liquidity might be a house. To exchange a house for a bike, you would have to sell the house, find a new place to live, bring cash to the bike store, get the stupid bike, then figure out what to do with all that money you have left over. It would be idiotic.

Anyway, so that's liquidity.

Now, the mechanics of fractional reserve lending are accurately portrayed in Zeitgeist Addendum. Banks give out loans, borrowers deposit those loans in different banks, and then those different banks give out even more loans using that same money. This processes goes on and on. The end result does in fact double book a bunch of money, and does seemingly create money out of thin air. That's not necessarily a bad thing though.

What Pete doesn't talk about, probably because his goal is to promote scary documentaries, is that all this double booking adds liquidity to the market. Because there's all this extra money around, people have more access to loans, and can start more businesses - in part because they don't have to exchange houses for bikes while trying to acquire capital. They just use money.

Fractional reserve lending does become a problem if everyone rushes in to withdraw their deposits all at once. The banks might not have enough real money in reserve to pay, at which point the banking system turns into road pizza.

A number of devices are in place that attempt to curb this risk (e.g. FDIC, minimum cash reserve requirements). More importantly: no attempts at risk reduction involve techno music and/or not acknowledging that there is such a thing as liquidity.

This is not to say that US monetary policy is a perfectly even handed force for freedom. Whatever is wrong with it though, it's nothing so flagrantly asinine as what's presented to you in the Zeitgeist Addendum movie.

I imagine everything else Zeitgeist is equally false.


  1. Yeah, I've read both sides of the argument on fractional reserve banking. Has is pro and cons. What is a major issue with the FED is the lack of over sight. Andrew Jackson spent years trying to get rid of the central bank of the time, because he knew it gets a country into debt to a bunch of private banks. I'm not an eco guy, but it seems reasonable to ask for a full audit of the FED.

  2. You got me thinking. What exactly DO we know about the Fed? I'm gonna spend the next few days trying to get a feel for what sort of information is and isn't available. Thanks for the comment. :)
